Advanced Maternal Age

In Vitro Fertilization: Introducing a New Way of Artificial Insemination
The Assisted Reproductive Technology is a type of technology involves the use of in vitro fertilization, fertility medication or surrogacy in order to achieve pregnancy. The Assisted Reproductive Technology is primarily used in couples who are infertile due hereditary reasons, or those couples who suffer from any communicable diseases, such as the HIV. In this manner, with the aid of the Assisted Reproductive Technology, the risk of being infected in achieving pregnancy is reduced to an acceptable level.

What is In Vitro Fertilization?
The In vitro Fertilization is a process that involves the use of in vitro or glass to combine the female reproductive cell, the egg, and the male reproductive cell, the sperm, outside the body. The procedure primarily involves the stimulation and monitor of the ovulation process, the removal of the ovum, the female reproductive cell, from the ovaries of the woman, and the fertilization of the male reproductive cell, the sperm, with the ova or ovum in a liquid. The zygote or the fertilized egg will then be cultured for about 2 to 6 days in some growth medium. After cultivating, it will be transferred again to the patient’s uterus to establish a pregnancy. The process is mainly used for gestational surrogacy and infertility treatment, in which the zygote was intentionally implanted into the uterus of the surrogate to promote pregnancy.

There are many countries who do not accept in vitro fertilization as a form of Artificial Insemination, due to this, couples who wants to undergo In vitro fertilization need to travel to other countries that accept this procedure, otherwise known as fertility tourism.

There are some restrictions involve in this procedure, these include:
• Cost
• Age
The first successful artificial pregnancy that involves the use of in vitro pregnancy occurred in the year 1978.

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